Winter Solstice, 2024
Winter Solstice
December 21, 2024 at 4:21 am EST
Dear, Steadfast and Compassionate Children of the Earth,
Winter Solstice is here! The longest night of the year is here. After Solstice the Sun will begin to grow stronger, increasing our daylight for six months until the Summer Solstice, the shortest night of the year.
Ever since there have been people to celebrate the momentous event of the Sun’s return, people have been keeping track and celebrating the Solstices.
Winter Solstice has rich traditions of yule logs, decorated trees, special foods and the warmth of gathering together and strengthening our relationships with gifts of appreciation. What better time to share than at the darkest time of the year?
In the language of astrology, this Winter Solstice is taking place under a grand square involving Mercury (the way we think) the Moon (what we believe keeps us safe) Jupiter (inflation) and Saturn (restrictions).
Whenever Jupiter is involved, we need to be careful about over-reacting. Whenever Saturn is involved, we need to pay careful attention to our material and physical reality. This grand square has the feeling of stuckness, difficulty in understanding, and stubbornness. The grand square is happening in the mutable signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces— the mutable signs have to do with preparing us for the next stage of life events.
This alignment of the planets asks us:
Are we reacting out of survival instincts and fear? (Moon opposite Saturn)
Are we confusing our thoughts with our emotions? (Mercury square the Moon)
Do our feelings seem overwhelming? (Moon square Jupiter)
Should we restructure our faith or world view? (Jupiter square Saturn)
Are we imagining things to be much worse (or better) than they are? (Mercury opposite Jupiter)
We don’t need to know the language of Astrology to know that the times feel perilous, confusing, and oppositional.
But in the teaching of Mother Nature, Winter Solstice shows us that it’s always darkest before the dawn. If we’re frightened or unsure, the safest thing to do is gather with those you love and share what you have. Strengthen our ties.
This Solstice we may want to think about the people who allow us to feel safe and extend gifts of Gratitude, Appreciation, and Love. These are powerful energies at any time but especially in times of confusion.
Blessed be,
It Is I Who Must Begin
It is I who must begin.
Once I begin, once I try —
here and now,
right where I am,
not excusing myself
by saying things
would be easier elsewhere,
without grand speeches and
ostentatious gestures,
but all the more persistently
— to live in harmony
with the “voice of Being,” as I
understand it within myself
— as soon as I begin that,
I suddenly discover,
to my surprise, that
I am neither the only one,
nor the first,
nor the most important one
to have set out
upon that road.
Whether all is really lost
or not depends entirely on
whether or not I am lost.
To view my Winter Solstice Meditation on YouTube, CLICK HERE