Full Moon in Taurus, 2024

The Full Moon in Taurus on Friday, November 15, 2024 4:29 pm EST is also called the Beaver Moon

This is the time of year when beavers are most active, preparing for winter.

Taurus is the Fixed Earth sign, a sign that loves to build. Creating Physical security is one of Taurus’ many gifts.

Full Moon’s always bring things to maximum energy and this Full Moon is conjunct Uranus (the Light Bringer, Sudden Change), sending shock waves through what we might have thought was nailed down. 

Uranian energy wants to find a new path, new ideas that promote a more egalitarian and free world. Uranian energy is forceful and insistent.  

Uranus and the Full Moon are in a trine aspect to Pluto (Power, Transformation) in the last degree of Capricorn (Structure, Boundaries).  There is a relentlessness to the energy of Pluto. It wants to transform whatever is unhealthy into something useful.

All of these planets sit in sextile aspects to Neptune (Connection to the Divine Mystery) in Pisces (Sensitivity) which can open pathways for Compassion, Understanding and Listening.

How often is your imagination taking you to dark thoughts or feelings?

Does your nervous system feel exhausted or burnt out?

How are you taking care of your own connection to the Earth?

This is a good time to respect your own experience. Go at your own pace and stay tuned into what your body is telling you.


Full Moon in Gemini, 2024


Full Moon in Aries, 2024