Spring Equinox 2021

Vernal Equinox 2021 Saturday March 20th 4:37am CDT 

Dear, Sensitive and Patient Children of the Earth,

Is there anything more delicate than Spring blossoms?  After the snows, floods, freezes and lockdowns of these past months, the sweetness of Spring seems nearly miraculous.  In the Midwest, where I am, gentle days feel like a gift.

The Vernal Equinox is the first day of Spring, when night and day are equal in length.  After months of long, dark hours, we can feel the Sun's invitation:  come outside, life is being reborn!

The Vernal Equinox has been celebrated as long as there have been people to celebrate.  We have only to look outside at Nature to see Life renewing itself.  Resurrection.  Renewal.  Rebirth.  

In the Pagan world, the Solstices and Equinoxes are holy days.  Days to put aside the normal tasks of life and take time to celebrate Mother Nature's teachings:  The Great Wheel of the Year turns and comes inevitably to a time of delicate new life.

As Sunlight strengthens, every living thing on Earth responds.  As humans though, we tend to get lost in our thoughts and sometimes need to be reminded:  There's a miracle happening right outside our door.

This Spring, the planet Venus is travelling with the Sun.  Mythologically, Venus is the goddess of love, beauty and peace.  Delicate things, love, beauty and peace.  Delicate as newborn life.  Deserving of our attention and support.

My wish for you all is an Equinox of green grass to lay down in, a clear sky to look up into, and a moment to catch your breath.

May you feel reborn,




We have lost so much

We have lost so much
says my friend, Patty
as she carefully holds
a little bird, stunned, fallen to
the base of the sky scraper
it has just collided.

We have lost so much...
stunned, shaking our heads
our aching necks.

In the street 
even when we meet
our masks avoid speech,
our eyes,
hard to say, collide
but that's what it feels like
holding my head
thinking of my friend
letting the bird rest
under a nearby bit of bush.

She says, a little quiet, maybe
it will find its way.
There's a river nearby
behind the empty buildings.

                             ...Mary Swanson



Please look at these links for more information about the Equinox:







Summer solstice 2021


Winter Solstice 2020